Tipsy Pork Potjie with Red Wine Recipe
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What does Tour De Tuli, Potjieking & Land Rover all have in common?
Answer: PotjieKing Tribe member – Hannes Van Vuuren
Tour De Tuli, PotjieKing & Land Rover.
On the 12th of June, my inbox pinged with a message from another fan.
After 9 years of business, we have never grown accustomed to the buzz we get whenever we hear from you guys. You inspire us with your praise and support. You invite us to join in your adventures and share in your thrills.
You guys are truly awesome. It’s marvelous to hear from you each time you are blown away by your PotjieKing. Ben and I (if you are not sure who we are CLICK HERE to check out more about us) smile each time we read lines like this from new PotjieKing Tribe members;
“You weren’t kidding hey?! One layer is all it takes… I put a pile of briquettes in, like for a normal braai, and incinerated my tjops!”.
Each of you is part of the PotjieKing Tribe and we are honored by how often you talk to us. From day 1 your loyalty and support have been amazing. The emails you send and the phone call you make always come to Ben or me. We know, from talking to you for 9 years, that the PotjieKing Tribe members are authentic, passionate people with zest! You are people who value Quality of Life and have big hearts.
Well, naturally I got chatting to Hannes after he emailed. He excitedly went on to tell me about his 5-year journey with PotjieKing.
Hannes has some serious adventure going on in his life!
Hannes is a member of the Land Rover Owners Club, Support Volunteer for the charity event Tour De Tuli, avid Over Lander and a serious PotjieKing fan.
He is volunteering on the support team with his fellow Land Rover Owners Club members for Tour De Tuli as you read this. Tour De Tuli is an AWESOME Mountain Bike tour held in aid of Children in the Wilderness.
Here’s a video from the 2016 Tour De Tuli to give you a taste of what it’s all about.
We asked him if he wanted to share some of his experience with the rest of the Tribe. Here is what he had to say!
20th July 2017 – 7 days before the Tour De Tuli 2017
“The Tour de Tuli has been going for 12 years now. It’s a premier mountain bike tour through some of Africa’s most pristine wilderness areas in Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The event takes place over 5 days. It is the main fundraiser for Children in the Wilderness (CITW), and all funds raised by the tour are channeled directly into CITW.
The Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa has a volunteer support crew helping out in various areas on Tour de Tuli. We use our own Land Rovers for different tasks, from manning Strategic points to driving photographers, Doctors, and Massage Therapists around from camp to camp. Helping out where help is needed. The ride isn’t for sissies and people need help often!
After long busy days when the work is done and we get a gap to enjoy some of the beautiful wilderness we’re in, us volunteers would gather to braai (of course!) next to a watering hole. That is when most of us pull out the PotjieKings! We’ve had Elephants having a drink of water on the opposite side of the watering hole, what a sight! While we enjoy our drinks around the PotjieKings.
Check this out! This was taken at a watering hole in Zimbabwe – Hannes
PotjieKing has a special place in our Land Rovers. They are great! You only need a few briquettes, firelighters and within 20 minutes you are smelling the smell that all South Africans love, Braai Vleis! Your braai or fire is off the ground. It’s safe, quick and versatile which is essential for us 4×4 Overlanding guys.
Whenever I go camping the first thing I load in my Land Rover is the PotjieKing. Making breakfast or a Potjie, in my number 3 Potjie Pot -which fits perfectly, is a pleasure. I find the PotjieKing to be incredibly functional and well designed. After the braai, you can just add some wood! There you have a small bonfire to keep warm or just for ambiance. It’s safe and you can cook just about anything on it. We love PotjieKing. We have 10 PotjieKings in my Land Rover Club. Just imagine having 10 PotjieKings in a circle with them braaing, some frying, one roasting mielies, or whatever we’ve got, and a few burning wood fires keeping us warm! What a sight!
We only had a few in this picture from 2015. Heading off on Tuesday.
Will report back on the event when I return. – Hannes
PotjieKing is a big hit in the Land Rover Club. If you do a lot of camping and over landing, it is a must have. It’s lightweight, easy to setup and can do just about anything!
Tour De Tuli – here we come. We’ve got our PotjieKings packed and ready.
Thank you once again for a great product and amazing service. Ben and Lisa, you guys Rock! 10 out of 10!
Hannes van Vuuren
a very happy
PotjieKing Owner & Tribe Member!”
The PotjieKing Tribe wishes all Tour De Tuli riders, Events staff, and Volunteers a fantastic Tour this year. We look forward to sharing Hannes’ news with you on his return!
Thank you for reading Hannes’ story. If you have your own adventure that you can’t wait to tell, a Recipe that’s too good not to share or just fancy saying ‘Hi!’ drop us a line on our Facebook Page (click here) or email me here: news@potjieking.com.
If you’d like to check out more on the topics above, please click on the links throughout the page or you can click on the topic you would like to view in the list of links in bold below.
Thanks again for sharing your time with us! Can’t wait to hear from YOU.
Article Links below:
Tour De Tuli
Children in the Wilderness
Tour de Tuli Volunteer Support
Land Rover
Land Rover Owners Club South Africa
About Ben and Lisa – PotjieKing